creative inspiration


[image: print magazine]
in his article lettercentric: type as writing, paul shaw outlines a brief history of script type and how opentype technology has helpt script fonts get back to looking like hand-lettered forms. from print magazine.

the periodic table of typefaces has been circulating for awhile now, but i thought i’d post it up for clients who hadn’t seen it yet or are outside the design blogosphere. this chart outlines many classic typefaces in somewhat of a hierarchy of ubiquity, with the ability to zoom in for a better look and a credit to the type designer.

how magazine posted this really cool spotlight on james patrick gibson‘s new york type photo blog in which he photographs and submits specimens of awesome type samples from the wilds of new york city. what a great collection!

design industry

[image: by alonzo felix]
thanks to <a href=" for posting some of the results from the haiti poster project, which has a staggering number of great posters to peruse.

my colleague & wordpress master doron orenstein just posted an article on how to easily create and share color palettes online. thanks for this cool utility!

did you know that AIGA [the american institute of graphic arts] has a center for practice management free and available to the public? if you are frustrated with running your design business, see how your management style measures up with our industry organization’s list of best practices.

get your paper index from how magazine! from their blog: download [a pdf of] a comprehensive list of paper mills and suppliers, as seen in the May issue of HOW!

going to the creative freelancer conference or how conference in denver this june? i just joined this twibe [a twitter tribe for attendees]. if you’re on twitter, join up!

2 thoughts on “creative inspiration

  1. Whoa! I was just reading your blog and didn’t realize that you had mentioned my blog post on the color schemes. I wasn’t sure how a designer might take that, as some designers might think that getting an exact color palette from a client could be seen as “micro-manage-y” but I’m glad that you see the value in such an approach.

    Anyhow, some great stuff you have here. I especially liked the New York type photo blog you pointed out.

    Thanks for the mention Heather!


    1. doron, i thought your post was really helpful! in fact, i don’t see it as micromanagey at all, i think it’s a good way for clients and designers to communicate about color choices. whether or not we get an exact color palette doesn’t mean we can’t suggest better alternatives. i think it’s a good utility, thanks so much for posting it!

      also, that new york type photography is great! we keep meaning to do some here, but i’ve been held back by needing a new camera. perhaps i’ll move forward on this and get the LA type photo blog going…!


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